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Managing User Access

You can manage the access that various CatBase users have to the program's functions.


​To manage your Users, go to the Admin main tab and then select the Users topic in the panel on the left of the window. You'll see a list of existing Users.


There is always at least one User with Administrator access:

You can edit this user's name, username, and password, but you cannot delete it.

Adding a new User

To add a new User, click the New Record button at the top of the list.

Editing a User

The User details page looks like this:

Fields with headings in red are mandatory.

First Name

Optionally enter the user's first name.

Last Name

The user's last name or role.


You can enter an ID number, such as an employee number, here. This is for your own reference; it is not used within catBase.

Job Title

Optionally enter the user's job title for your reference.


Each User must have a unique Username. This can be any combination of letters and numbers, with a maximum length of 30 characters. Note that CatBase user names are NOT case-sensitive.


Passwords are not mandatory, although we do urge you to use them! They can be any combination of letters and numbers, up to 15 characters in length. 

Passwords are obfuscated - you cannot read them. If a user forgets their password, an Administrator can go into the user's record and change their password but he cannot read it.

User Preferences

Present Memos on startup

If this option is selected, each time this user opens CatBase it will search for any current Memos for him, and if it finds any, opens a floating window listing them. More info about Memos.

Show Tips

This refers to those little yellow messages that pop up when you mouse over certain fields and objects. They can be very helpful, but some people find them annoying. So they can be turned off here.

Default Project

If you have multiple Projects in your database, you can choose which one will be the default Project to open each time the user opens CatBase. More info about Database Projects.

Having selected a Default Project, you can then select the table that will initially be selected for that Project.


In this are you can specify exactly what access each user has to the database and its functions.

When a new user is added, the default Access level is Administrator. An Administrator has access to all features and functions.

NOTE: These options have been greatly enhanced in Version 8. If you are using an earlier version, you'll see different options.

To specify an individual's user access, select the User radio button. The view changes:



All checkboxes are initially unselected. If you want to allow the user access to any of these functions, select the appropriate checkbox(es).

Data Entry

In this section you have precise control over whether the user can add or edit data:


Note that in the Tables tab you'll be able to manage which specific tables the user has access to.


Here you can manage whether the user can create Import Styles and/or import data:



Soecify what access the user has to the Publishing options:



In this section, you have precise control over which tables the user has access to:


By default, each new User has access to all tables in Database Projects. You can hide each table in the Main and/or Included views.

Table Name

List of tables in the selected Project.

Hidden (Main View)

The Main View is the view shown in the CatBase main window. 

Hidden (Included Views)

The Included View is the list of related "child" data that might be displayed in a related "parent" record. For example, in our Demo Database, Products is a "parent" table and Variants is a related "child" table. On each Product record's detail page you can see a list of the Variants - this is an Included List (or Included View).


If you habe more than one Database Project set up, you will also see the Projects tab:

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