CatBase Version 10
New Features
Publish Directly to PDF and/or Word
Now you don't need to use a complicated page layout program to publish your documents! Choose the PDF Publishing Destination, and your publication will be saved in any or all of these formats:
A PDF document
A Microsoft Word document
A CatBase word processing document
(We will refer to this format as PDF for simplicity).
A PDF document can be a complete publication with:
A cover page
Introductory pages: as many as you like, where you can place text and pictures - for example, an "About our Company" section, or introductions to your staff or products.
One or more dynamic data sections: these are your data, formatted in the way you choose.
End Matter: Like Introductory Pages - any text and images you specify.
Here's a short video that gives an overview of the mew PDF feature: