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YPCRM App Installers

How to Install the App

Note: The app runs on Mac and Windows desktop and laptop computers. It does NOT run on phones, tablets, or Chromebooks!

Click on the appropriate button to download either the Mac or Windows installer.

This will save a .zip file to your default download folder (usually "Downloads").

When it has finished downloading, double-click the .zip file to un-zip it. Then:


Double-click the un-zipped file (YPCRM Installer.dmg).

This opens a Disk Image window.

Drag the YPCRM App icon and drop it onto the Applications folder icon. This will copy the app into your Applications folder.

You can now close the disk image window.


Double-click the un-zipped file (YPCRM Installer.exe).

Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app.

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